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Tag: Drone
Waiting For A Call From The Unknown
An influence of a prophecy. Meditating with the look to the Stars.
Materia lucida
FREE DOWNLOAD – Materia Lucida is the name with which in the texts of Agni Yoga is defined as the Spatial Field pervading Consciousness
I met Seba (Marcello Calasso), during a performance in Florence, more than one year ago; I was at once impressed with his originality and elegance when playing his Gongs and Tams, low, deep vibrations that smote, I would say stormed me. It was like being in front of a cosmic gate leading in boundless spaces.…
Reflex of a Reverberation
Free Download Reflex of a Reverberation is an abstract long-form release developed through visionary inspirations following a previous album entitled “Explore from Satellite”. Through observations of images of deserted places on earth reproduced by satellites (geologic formations, rivers, coastlines, etc), abstract forms can be seen to such a point that the eye loses them in…
Explore From Satellite
Sa bene colui che ha il desiderio di esplorare tendere a spingersi un po’ ovunque. Oggi più che mai chiunque può “avventurarsi” anche comodamente a casa propria. Mi sto riferendo all’immenso mondo virtuale che scorre nei nostri computers, ovvero internet. Ebbene io mi sono divertito a setacciare con un famoso programma, territori disabitati un po’…